Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Salsa with a spoon!

Adrian’s favorite place to eat in the WHOLE world (or at least her little part of it) is at our favorite little Mexican joint! Adrian loves to sit outside on the patio, as well as sitting inside in the winter! For Adrian it is never too hot to sit on the patio…104 degrees she can always be heard saying “mom” can we go for MEXICAN? ….Please….oh please!”

Well I swear this desire for Mexican mist have started in utero! I love Mexican food and craved the hot and spicy salsa from there all the time when I was pregnant with her. I even think she started with salsa on her ships at about one year and now she eats it with a spoon! She has to laddle it on each chip....must have her own bowl and little jar to go with her salt!

The funny thing is Adrian prefers to order the chicken nuggets and then gets the frijoles. DO NOT call the beans, she hates beans by the way…won’t eat them in soup, or baked ones, or chili. So she gets these instead of the fries…those are a French food according to my Grumpy.

Once she gets her plate she dunks her nuggets in the salsa and then in the beans… but the funny thing is after she finishes her chicken. She then makes what mom calls “roll ups” with tortillas and her extra frijoles. “Roll ups” look just like a bean burrito….except…well actually they are bean burritos…and she usually makes three of them to eat! So my question is am I lying or just pretending or is just a little fib or just being creative?

One think I have learned having Adrian is how to manipulate her to do what I want...most of the time as long as it doesn't include sleep. This “roll up thing” was an accident, suggest by the former manager of the restaurant caus eshe was always interested in the sizzling fajitas and Adrian couldn't pronounce that we started calling them "roll ups".

Our restaurant also serves Mexican pizza (tostada’s), sizzlers (grilled shrip roll ups), meat rolls (taquitos). I had those "meat rolls" last night and she ate my leftovers for lunch today with soy sauce cause she thinks they are a type of egg roll. Creativive or maybe it was cause I was out of salsa (almost an immortal sin in our home).

We also have a few humorous things we call stuff at home too….”dot” for pancake syrup (cause you get a dot the size of a quarter), green beans are “strings” because if I use the “bean” word she will not eat it, she loves honey on her peanut butter sandwiches which we call “but nut” (don’t ask) and she has an oh NOT so endear phrase for the “butter” you put on popcorn! (thanks to Colin) And just like her mom at her age…Adrian confuses cauliflower and broccoli. So I always have to ask “Do you want the green cauliflower?" or "Did you mean the white broccoli..." when she tells me that she wants one of those two for dinner.

Well at least my Grumpy loves her vegetables!

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