Sunday, October 7, 2007

Christmas is Coming!!!!

Princess grumpy is so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!! We saw Santa and whole lot of really cool Christmas blow ups yesterday at Lowe’s.

It doesn’t seem to matter to her (or most major department stores) that we haven’t even passed Halloween yet. Heck…I haven’t even gotten out our ghosts and such! I am actually a little behind this year too!

She is making her list and putting all kids of toys on it. Many of which I have never even heard of ….but be aware Mattel and Hasbro and Playskool and all other sponsors on Nickelodeon …. your advertisers commercials are being watched an committed to the memory of my little four year old!!!! So basically all those companies wondering if your dollars spent are worth it .... they are doing just what you had planned!!! And in regular Princess grumpy fashion my little daughter WANTS IT ALL!!!

Adrian is going over catalogs, circling what she wants…. She tries to get me, daddy or grandma to stroll through the toy aisles at Wal-Mart so she can see if there is anything new and to point out what we might not have heard her say last night during “Sponge Bob”. She even attempted to explain to me why we needed to go to “Toys R Us” today!!! (I try to never take more than two children at a time there it can leads to insane moments and usually some screaming…on my part!)

I often wonder if my lists were this long…..I wonder if she will be disappointed when she doesn’t get all the “new” Dora the Explorer dolls and outfits that she has listed …as if having new Princess Ariel dolls wasn’t enough Dora is a mermaid now too! I remember being disappointed and being sad as a child when Santa didn’t pay attention to what I wrote. I really hope we still get one more year where one of the six children isn’t pouting or crying because they didn’t get what they wanted!

To be fair to “grumpy” she is making lists for all the other children too…and they even have a few toys on it that they might like too! (because I am sure that Colin getting Barbie’s car is exactly what he wants). She also is making a list of toys she wants me to buy for the “Giving Tree” and for the Toys for Tots. Though I think her give to others list is almost as long as her personal one. I asked her why and of course it was because she “thought they would like everything I do”…..and then I got my favorite response “Mom…you said I should give more than I receive”….this brings me back to last weekend’s birthday parties…. “So I am giving away more…I will get a little less than I give away”.

I love when she paraphrases me…but misses the point. And when did new math come back to the school curriculum!!!

I know this will not be the last Christmas item you hear about Grumpy & Me…it is just Early October and we have so many stores we haven’t been to yet! Heck I wish I was the one taking her to NYC at the end of the month….I want daddy to take a photo when he takes her to FAO Schwartz my favorite catalog as a child!

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