Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Welcome to the Princess Grumpy Site

I want to welcome all of you -basically my three friends and anyone they sucker into coming here, our case workers, socialworkers and all the fun people we have in our life and those that just want to make me feel better and important ( I want to contribute more than just the diaper change and funny email here and there )

This is the blog for Princess Grumpy stories and the fun experiences of being her mom.

Princess Grumpy is the nick name or Alter Ego that I have given my daughter Adrian Elliott! SHe is currently four years old and some days she is wise beyond her years. Adrian has a lot to teach all of us about the dignity and value of others and the effect on all people on this planet!

Somedays it will be the tales of how we survived the morning getting ready for school, and other times it will be the insite and wisdom she teaches me (and the rest of the world) with her comments and enlightening way she approaches everything! Adrian is an awesome big sister, little sister and daughter. She lives, loves and does everything with an enthusiasm that I wish all people could experience (however don't turn on the TV- she does Zone in way to well). SHe thinks of other people and always wants to help. Adrian is

Princess Grumpy have five brothers and sisters. She has an older brother and sister, as well as two younger sisters and a baby brother. She lives with her mom and dad who love her so much - but occasionally need a break fro her grumpy ways! So she visits Grandma a lot (Thanks Grandmom)

Eventually I have written about 27 stories at this time about Princess Grumpy and her Royal Family. I am planning on trying to get some of the children's stories I have written published . We are working on illustrations and whether or not I want to rhyme them or not! I have made it a priority to get these done asap! (basically I need to make sure she goes to college)

So Welcome all (again basically my three friends) to the wonderful world of My Princess Grumpy!


Anonymous said...

Love It! Can't wait for more!!

Anonymous said...

The long anticipated arrival of the Princess grumpy site is finally here! I'm so excited.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on yet another amazing aspect of the Smith family. I look forward to your many successes.

TAmmy said...

jane i love you and those babys and i love reading about them thanks for letting me in on this.I would hope that when you talk about friends now you have 4 not 3 love you guys.

Nicola said...

What a fascinating read. It makes your most amazing family all a little more real. I look forward to reading more. My Prince grumpy is 6-maybe we could introduce them to each other one day.